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We have an exciting term in Nursery, our topic is ‘Ourselves’ and our key text is ‘Funny Bones’. The children are developing their knowledge of inside and outside of the body through fun adult led activities and they are developing their independent learning through enhanced provision activities related to our topic.


The specific areas of learning that we will be focusing on this term in Nursery are:

· To count sets of objects up to 5 and then 10

· To recognise numbers up to 3 then 5

· To begin to recognise their name

· To develop language through stories

· To develop mark making in a variety of ways

· To be independent in putting on and fastening coats and shoes


Ways in which you can support you child with their learning at home are:

· Help your child to count in their everyday life e.g. counting money, sharing sweets, asking how many more, counting stairs up to bed etc.

· Look for numbers in the environment e.g. house numbers, numbers on buses, road signs, clocks, remote controls .

· Look for and name the shapes that can be seen all around. Ask questions such as is that longer, shorter, heavier, lighter etc.

· Share books and stories with your child on a regular basis.

· Encourage your child to use writing implements as often as possible. Help them to hold the pencil correctly. Draw pictures, colour in and experiment with writing whenever possible.

· Allow your child to observe adult role models writing, reading a variety of materials and drawing.

· Encourage independence with getting dressed, tidying up and toileting.
