
School Logo

School Vision and Values

Sealand Primary School is a welcoming, safe and happy school where everyone is able to work, learn and grow.


“Working, Learning, Growing Together”


Our core values were developed by our school family of learners, parents, staff and governors. We all aim to spread these core values throughout our school and wider community.


Our Vision


Sealand Primary School is committed to being a welcoming, safe and happy school where everyone is able to ‘work, learn and grow’.


We aim to provide all learners with a wide range of relevant and meaningful learning experiences across a broad and balanced curriculum.


We aim to support all learners to make progress in terms of their knowledge, understanding and skills.


We aim to develop a love of learning that enables all learners to be the best that they can be, in school and in their lives.


We aim to support the well-being of all learners through an ethos of mutual respect to establish positive attitudes to learning.


We aim to encourage all learners to embody our core values in school and in the wider community.
