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School meals


All meals are cooked on the premises by NEWYDD catering services and children have varied daily choices of hot/cold meals. Menus are sent home at the beginning of the academic year and widely displayed in school.  Welsh Assembly Government’s Appetite for Life guidance is adhered to in all aspects of nutrition within school. If your child has specific medical dietary requirements we will arrange for you to meet our school cook to discuss details.



Some parents prefer their children to bring a packed lunch rather than having a school meal.  An insulated sandwich box is recommended and we would ask that the lunch is easily accessible for your child – minimal packaging. We would ask, however, that you do not allow your child to bring hot drinks or soup, for fear of accidents resulting from contact with hot liquids. All drinks should be in plastic containers/bottles. Please do not allow your child nuts or food containing nuts due to allergies other children may have.
